Past event

We are a vendor-neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of members from industry, government, and academia worldwide. Our mission is to educate and connect the HPC & AI user community with the latest technologies and best practices to optimize business processes and promote workforce advancement.

We focus on the high-performance systems used for AI, simulation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and visualization. Our members utilize these technologies in their work in oil & gas, renewable energy, climate modeling, life sciences, manufacturing, financial services, cybersecurity, government, and academia.

The Society of HPC Professionals past event

Lunch & Learn – April 2020
Real Time Well Data Analysis in the Cloud with Subsurface Data Engineering

Thursday, 23 April 2020

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Real-time Well data analysis for wellbore stability and pore pressure calculations involves dynamic calculations and insights from the pre-drill model. Pre-drill model is built from offset wells correlations and 3D structural analysis of geobodies and subsurface lithology. Every basin is unique with different geologies and they all need separate models. The presentation will provide an architecture for real time well data calculations combined with subsurface models using cloud and edge computing. This presentation also provides an integrated workflow with effective subsurface data engineering and governance, 3D visualization and dynamic workflow updates for near-real time scenarios.


Speaker Bio:

Sashi Gunturu
Sashi Gunturu is the Founder of Petrabytes Corp, which helps oil and gas companies optimize drilling and production operations with its proprietary cloud and edge computing workbench Skygridz. Prior to Petrabytes Corp, Sashi worked as an independent project consultant with Reservoir Technology Group at Baker Hughes and in different roles with Geomechanics International including upstream software development and consulting in the areas of well planning and geomechanics. Sashi received his MS in Petroleum Engineering and MS in Computer Science from University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA and Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, India.



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$15 for Non-Members
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Due to COVID-19, this month’s Lunch & Learn was live stream event only.