About the Society

We are a vendor-neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of members from industry, government, and academia worldwide. Our mission is to educate and connect the HPC & AI user community with the latest technologies and best practices to optimize business processes and promote workforce advancement.

We focus on the high-performance systems used for AI, simulation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and visualization. Our members utilize these technologies in their work in oil & gas, renewable energy, climate modeling, life sciences, manufacturing, financial services, cybersecurity, government, and academia.

The Society of HPC Professionals is a vendor-neutral, non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to educate and promote the common business and technology interests of the AI, HPC (High Performance Computing), and Supercomputing Community.

The HPC Society organizes and conducts open forum meetings and manages noncompetitive research activities that address the use, availability, standardization and evaluation of existing technology while introducing emerging technology to the Community.



More History & Purpose

The Board of Directors is comprised of experienced professionals from the HPC, Supercomputing, AI/Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing Community.


Regular meetings are held with minutes are recorded to conduct the business of the Society.

All Board Members