Sponsorship Opportunities

We are a vendor-neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of members from industry, government, and academia worldwide. Our mission is to educate and connect the HPC & AI user community with the latest technologies and best practices to optimize business processes and promote workforce advancement.
We focus on the high-performance systems used for AI, simulation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and visualization. Our members utilize these technologies in their work in oil & gas, renewable energy, climate modeling, life sciences, manufacturing, financial services, cybersecurity, government, and academia.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available for the Society of HPC Professionals
As an organization we offer the following benefits to the community:
- Monthly Lunch & Learn events to educate the global HPC&AI community of technologies in use in the marketplace
- Site tours of facilities where HPC&AI technologies are making an impact in the user community
- Trade show events where HPC&AI Technologies are highlighted
- Annual April technology event to educate the HPC&AI community to industry happenings and expose sponsoring companies to the HPC&AI end user community
- Coming soon: job board for sponsors and members
Corporate sponsorships are available at three different levels and deliver a strong marketing ROI. These enable corporations to gain exposure to the market and our members via:
- The SHPCP web site https://hpcsociety.org/ , with sponsor logos, overview, and link to sponsor website.
- Opportunity to exhibit at our annual April Technology event.
- SHPCP monthly events and email blasts that include sponsor logos.
- Also included are a number of annual memberships for your employees.
- Upcoming job board where sponsors can post jobs.
- The Society of HPC Professionals is a 501(c)3 non-profit Texas Corporation and sponsorships are tax-deductible for corporations and businesses
Sponsorship levels and benefits
All sponsorships are for full 12 months (i.e.- not calendar year)
Platinum – $6,500
- Highest visibility on web site and email blasts
- “First-Right-Of-Selection” to participate in the venues hosted by The Society of HPC Professionals, Lunch and Learn events and annual technology event.
- Platinum sponsors may register ten (10) employees as Members of The Society of HPC Professionals.
- Table to exhibit at annual technology event.
- Promotion and listing of relevant HPC&AI events on our calendar.
- Posting of job openings on the upcoming SHPCP web site.
Gold – $4,000
- “Second-Right-Of-Selection” to participate in the venues hosted by The Society of HPC Professionals, Lunch and Learn events and annual technology event.
- Gold Sponsors may register seven (7) employees as Members of The Society of HPC Professionals.
- Table to exhibit at annual technology event.
- Promotion and listing of relevant HPC&AI events on our calendar.
- Posting of job openings on the upcoming SHPCP web site.
Silver – $2,000
- “Third-Right-Of-Selection” to participate in the venues hosted by The Society of HPC Professionals, Lunch and Learn events and annual technology event.
- Silver Sponsors may register four (4) employees as Members of The Society of HPC Professionals.
- Table to exhibit at annual technology event.
- Promotion and listing of relevant HPC&AI events on our calendar.
- Posting of job openings on the upcoming SHPCP web site.