Past event

We are a vendor-neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of members from industry, government, and academia worldwide. Our mission is to educate and connect the HPC & AI user community with the latest technologies and best practices to optimize business processes and promote workforce advancement.
We focus on the high-performance systems used for AI, simulation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and visualization. Our members utilize these technologies in their work in oil & gas, renewable energy, climate modeling, life sciences, manufacturing, financial services, cybersecurity, government, and academia.
The Society of HPC Professionals lunch and learn event
Lunch & Learn – March 2021
Unexpected Changes to the HPC Storage Landscape in 2021
Thursday, 25 March 2021
12:00pm – 1:00pm CST
Live stream due to COVID-19
About the Event
At the next Monthly Lunch and Learn, Panasas will be updating the Society on the changing HPC Storage Landscape, including all the advancements at Panasas recently:
- Twice as fast as Lustre, BeeGFS and GPFS
- Easiest management, best reliability and uptime at the lowest TCO
- Dynamic Data Acceleration Technology that places small files on SSD Flash
- Enterprise-grade support
The ability to handle mixed workloads can be one of the major requirements in HPC – one of the key advantages of Panasas is its proven ability to efficiently and effectively handle mixed workloads without the need for constant tuning. HPC organizations no longer need to trade off performance and price-performance for simplicity, uptime, and great support. With PanFS on ActiveStor Ultra, HPC organizations can have it all.
About the Speaker
Robert Murphy
Director of Product Marketing, Panasas
Bob Murphy is Director of Product Marketing at Panasas. Previously, he was the Big Data Program Manager for General Atomics Energy and Advanced Concepts and was responsible for High Performance Data and Analytics in IBM’s Software Defined Environments organization. Before IBM, he held positions with increasing levels of responsibility at Hewlett Packard, Silicon Graphics, and Sun Microsystems.
Bob holds a Biomedical Engineering Degree from Purdue University.
FREE for Members and U of H Student Members
$15 for Non-Members
This is a good time to consider joining SHPCP since members get free lunch, ability to live stream events, and copies of presentations and videos (when approved by presenter)
Click here to join now and attend for free
Due to COVID-19, this month’s Lunch & Learn is a live stream event only.
For members, the link is on the Member Resources page when you log in.
For non-members, the link will be provided after you register