Past Event

We are a vendor-neutral, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization comprised of members from industry, government, and academia worldwide. Our mission is to educate and connect the HPC & AI user community with the latest technologies and best practices to optimize business processes and promote workforce advancement.

We focus on the high-performance systems used for AI, simulation, cloud computing, quantum computing, and visualization. Our members utilize these technologies in their work in oil & gas, renewable energy, climate modeling, life sciences, manufacturing, financial services, cybersecurity, government, and academia.

The Society of HPC Professionals invites you to attend:
A Lunch & Learn Round Table Discussion Meeting

Lunch & Learn – January 2018
Infinite Memory Engine® (IME®): Accelerating Application and File Systems to make Clusters More Predictable

Held January 25, 2018


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An Architectural discussion about how to apply flash memory. Steve will review the architecture of IME, use cases and advantages of flash memory. He will show case studies of how flash has been used to replace spinning media to accelerate the worst kind of application I/O. 


Speaker Bio:

Steve Crusan
DDN, System Engineer – HPC Oil & Gas 
Steve is a System Engineer at DDN focusing on high performance computing in the Oil and Gas space. Before joining DDN, Steve was an HPC Systems Engineer (and a DDN customer) for 6 years, with roles in Life Sciences/Academia, Argonne National Laboratory, and financial services.



Unique Digital Inc. Conference Center
10595 Westoffice Drive
Houston, TX 77042



FREE for Members
$15 for Non Members